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project_badger:issues_to_fix [2016/05/09 10:29]
project_badger:issues_to_fix [2021/09/19 21:59]
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-===== Project Badger Final Notes==== 
-==== Issues to Fix ==== 
-  * Control module housing dimensions need to be refined for a better fit 
-  * LCD sometimes displays "0.00 kWh" when there is power being drawn 
-==== Improvements to be Made ==== 
-  * Make the control housing into a small remote shape 
-  * Make the outlet housing wall mountable 
-  * Utilize the PCB's instead of the Arduino R3 and breadboards 
-==== Future Work ==== 
-  * Develop an app that can control the outlet instead of needing to use a standalone controller 
-  *Use Bluetooth 4.2 for its low power consumption and compatibility with smartphones and tablets 
-  * Add SD card functionality to document power consumption over time 
  • project_badger/issues_to_fix.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)