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training:git_and_github [2016/01/24 23:08]
kluong created
training:git_and_github [2021/09/19 21:59]
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-====== Git and Github ====== 
-Git is a command line based tool that helps you to keep track of different versions of your code. You might have done this manually before in some of your classes - you might have saved files with different version numbers ... essay_v1, essay v_2, etc. Git helps you to manage this.  
-Github is essentially a hosting service for Git repositories. Think of it like a specialized Dropbox or Google Drive just for code that uses Git. **Note - it's important to make a distinction between Git and Github** 
-====== Resources ====== 
-====== Assignment ====== 
-These assignments will guide you through the basic steps and make sure that you understand what is going on.  
-Make sure that you have Git installed on your computer and that you have a Github account. If you don't have these things done, make sure you finish them.  
-**Create your own repository**\\ 
-Create your own repository on Github and publish it. Put your biography on there. ​ 
-**Create a team repository**\\ 
-Create a repository for your team on Github. It doesn'​t matter who creates it. Whoever creates it should give the appropriate permissions to the rest of the team members. After it's created, post your team's summary on the file.  
-After the summary is posted, every team member should add their name and biography in the same file. Work on this together physically and coordinate everything. You might run into some errors - don't panic! Look online to see if you can resolve the issue and keep trying. ​ 
  • training/git_and_github.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)