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training:git_and_github [2016/01/24 23:32]
training:git_and_github [2021/09/19 21:59]
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-====== Git and Github ====== 
-Git is a command line based tool that helps you to keep track of different versions of your code. You might have done this manually before in some of your classes - you might have saved files with different version numbers ... essay_v1, essay v_2, etc. Git helps you to manage this.  
-Github is essentially a hosting service for Git repositories. Think of it like a specialized Dropbox or Google Drive just for code that uses Git. **Note - it's important to make a distinction between Git and Github** 
-Git can be a little confusing to learn at first but plenty of people before you have learned it and it's in widespread use by software developers all over the world. Odds are, you'll encounter Git or some other version management system in the future again. ​ 
  • training/git_and_github.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)