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ust:meeting_minutes_march_7_2018 [2018/03/08 03:20]
ust:meeting_minutes_march_7_2018 [2021/09/19 21:59]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Meeting Minutes 3/7/18 ===== 
-  * Kevin Cho 
-  * Gordon Li 
-  * Kyle Chan 
-  * Jon Lau 
-  * Akira Vernon 
-Continued working on React Exercise Task 4 on changing display based on button press. Discussed code reviews and pull request for Dashboard team GitHub. 
-=== Discussion === 
-React Exercises 
-  * Task 4: Changing Display 
-    * Create the same app using Semantic React components 
-    * The picture being displayed corresponds to which button was pressed 
-Code Reviews and Pull Requests 
-  * Master branch locked until code reviewers gives as okay 
-  * Components should be able to accept and manipulate data 
-  * Pull requests ~150 lines of code 
-  * Always add Kevin to code reviews 
-  * Once approved by all reviewers, merging will be available 
-Pull Request 
-  * git clone <​repository https> : clones repository to own developing space 
-  * git pull --rebase : checks recent commits for any conflicts in update 
-  * git checkout -b <branch number> : checks out branch for changes (specifically for new branches) 
-    * Make sure to be in the master branch 
-  *  
-Creating Issues 
-  * Make an issue for own page 
-  * For Weatherboxes page 
-    * Weatherbox option 
-    * Issue would be adding button to switch state of weatherbox 
-  * For components, naming convention would be SCEL in front of component 
-=== Tasks === 
-  - Kevin: Update Design Documents. 
-  - Gordon: Task 4: Changing Display; update Design Documents. 
-  - Kyle, Jon, & Akira: Task 4: Changing Display. 
-Full team: Task 4: Changing Display. 
  • ust/meeting_minutes_march_7_2018.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)