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wind_sensor:meeting_minutes_week_5_2018 [2018/02/14 21:20]
wind_sensor:meeting_minutes_week_5_2018 [2021/09/19 21:59]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Date: 12 February 2018 ====== 
-  * Completing various Ron Ho Fund forms 
-^ Item  ^ Qty  ^ Dollars ^ 
-| Cardboard Boxes | 15 | 40 | 
-| Computer Fans | 4 | 43.04 | 
-| Misc Supplies (e.g. Adhesives, Zipties) | ? | ? | 
-    * Found another version of fan 
-    * Breadboard instead of getting a fan splitter 
-    * Might no longer need motherboard,​ instead draw power from DC power supply 
-====== Date: 14 February 2018 ====== 
-  * Skyped with Jerry for more details on the ultrasonic sensor 
-  * Learned that the Teensy runs at a 96 MHz clock speed, allowing for a measurement of smaller amounts of time (crucial for the ultrasonic to work) 
-  * Jerry gave us an in-depth explanation of how the ultrasonic sensor works 
-  * Also learned that the ultrasonic receiver only receives the sound signal (inaudible) only in the 40 MHz spectrum, meaning that external noise such as car horns was not an issue 
-  * Words of wisdom from Jerry: don't focus on being stuck on a problem, just move on to another problem 
  • wind_sensor/meeting_minutes_week_5_2018.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)