====== About SCEL ====== The Smart Campus Energy Lab (SCEL) was created in 2010 with the intent of tackling the task of creating a low-cost, self sustaining meteorological sensor platform. Initially a project of Justin Carland, that particular project has become one of the largest projects that SCEL has. SCEL joined the Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) program in Fall 2015. [[ topics ]] About the smart campus energy lab. More details to follow here later. Random sections to fill in later: * EE 499 * EE 496 Capstone * EE 196-396 Projects * Vertically Integrated Projects * Non-credit students * Education about other projects * Community contributions (how the lab works with other groups around the university) * How students are placed in projects * How the leadership structure works (maybe we need an org chart here) * REIS * How the lab got started * Student Driven Model * Why does our lab exist? * Meetings (how often do we meet?) How projects work: * Horizontal integration ( weatherbox challenge) * Vertical integration ( weatherbox, forecasting, wind sensor) Notes: * We need a good way to explain our lab and projects to the community (the wiki should be the repository for this knowledge) * A page to explain how the wiki is structured (for beginners)