====== Frequently Used Libraries for Machine Learning ====== ==== Numpy ==== Numpy is a library typically used for mathematical operations. When used in machine learning, the Numpy library is typically used for array modification such as transposing, converting from 1-D to 2-D arrays, etc. === Importing Numpy === import numpy as np ==== Matplotlib ==== Matplotlib is a library that is used for visualization. When used in machine learning we can see the regression models and scatter plots of the datasets. === Importing Matplotlib === import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ==== Pandas ==== Pandas is a data analysis and manipulation tool. Typically we use pandas as a means to import data from csv files (i.e. spreadsheets) using the read_csv function. === Importing Pandas === import pandas as pd ==== SciKitLearn ==== The SciKitLearn learn library contains basically all of the tools that we need for creating our regression models. === Examples of importing SciKitLearn Libraries === __Encoding Categorical Data__ |from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer| __Splitting the dataset into Training and Test sets__ |from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split| __Linear Regression__ |from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression| __Polynomial Regression__ |from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures| __Feature Scaling__ |from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler| __Support Vector Regression__ |from sklearn.svm import SVR|