**Attended:** Allie, Tim, Cristina **Discussion** **Research from this week** * Allie * Instrumentino: an open-source modular graphical user interface framework for controlling Arduino * Limited documentation found * Utilize pySerial python library * Glade for GUI * Utilize pyGTK python library * Use pySerial to receive serial.print from arduino and handle data * Cristina * Bare Arduino * Unable to complete due to lack of parts * Eagle * Tutorials * 3D printing * Sketch up * Fab lab * Waiting for approval * Tim * Arduino communication through serial printing **Reminders and Follow-Up** Project Proposal * This week Saturday Follow-Up * Allie: Research how to use Glade and pyGTK library * Cristina: Prototyping with acutal arduino and finding what devices we will be testing with CVL * Tim: Research how to use pySerial library * All: Proposal presentation/ gantt chart/ integration timeline