====== Weatherbox Challenge Roadmap ====== A gantt chart is posted in the leadership folder. ===== Early Stages ===== * eagle tutorials * soldering tutorials * processor tutorials * git tutorials * understand the importance of modular code ===== Getting Individual Parts Working ===== * get microprocessor working * know how to reprogram it * blink program * get each sensor working (4 total) * write individual firmware modules (use pre-existing libraries) * test sensors on breadboard, verify firmware * get XBee working * write XBee modules (library) * test on breadboard, verify firmware * get charging circuit working * test with solar panel and lamp ===== Putting It All Together ===== * wire everything together on breadboard * verify hardware design * integrate firmware modules into a main program * verify firmware * design PCB * print PCB * solder parts * debug hardware * load firmware and debug system ===== Along the Way ===== * design housing * create bill of materials * create a power budget * other analysis? * presentations * final report