====== 496 Poster Session - Fall 2015 ====== **Attended: May, Kristie, Ryan, Scott, Brian, Garrett, Raydan, Ernesto, Raegan, Kim, Brandon, Daisy, Jeremy, Christie** ===== Technical Questions ===== * In case of a transmit failure, what do you do? Do you store the data somewhere? * Why is the panel voltage the way it is- two square waves? * How do you verify the sensor readings are correct? * How do you know the data you are collecting is accurate? * What is your role in the project? * How do the XBees transmit to the server? * Explain your project. * What did you work on? * What problems did you have? ===== Non-technical Questions ===== * What is the marketability of the weatherbox? * Are there any other places that have the same issues as Hawaii- high solar penetration and unreliable grid? * How could the weatherboxes help with Hawaii's plan to reach 100% renewable energy by 2035? * What ethical issues are related to the weatherboxes? * Are there issues with people taking the data as it is being transmitted from the sensor module to the server? * If you did not know anything, how did you work through it? ===== Tips for Non-technical Questions ===== * Know current events- especially ones related to Hawaii's renewable energy