====== Reference git flow ====== # Clone the repository # Make sure to setup your SSH keys prior to this. If you can't do this # you'll need to take care of it before moving on. git clone git@github.com:scel-hawaii/control-tower.git # Switch to the master branch # Do this when you're starting some new work. git checkout master # Grab the latest changes from the master branch that # lives in the "origin", which is github in this case. git pull origin master # Create your own branch to do work in git checkout -b feature-branch-name # Make your changes vi folder/somefile.txt # Stage the changes, meaning make git aware of the repository git add folder/somefile.txt # Commit your changes, make sure you put in a useful commit message git commit # Push up your branch git push origin feature-branch-name # At this point, go to the github webui and open a pull request, adding # the necessary reviewers.