====== Meeting Minutes: March 11, 2020 ====== === Attendance: === Kevin, Andrew, Jonathan, Jianna === Current Updates: === * Started creating RESTful API * Created respective API and client folders * Created template for queries.js and index.js * Updated queries.js by adding GET functions for respective weather boxes === Past Updates: === * Tutorials * [[https://node-postgres.com/|Node-PostGres]] * [[http://zetcode.com/javascript/nodepostgres//|Node PostGres Tutorial]] * [[https://blog.logrocket.com/setting-up-a-restful-api-with-node-js-and-postgresql-d96d6fc892d8/|RESTful API with Node.js & Postgres-SQL]] * [[https://academind.com/learn/node-js/building-a-restful-api-with/planning-first-steps/|Building RESTful API]] * [[https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/developer-corner/postgresql/remote-postgresql-connections|SSH Tunneling]] * [[https://www.techiediaries.com/react-json-fetch-rest-api-bootstrap/]] (Kenny's Recommendation) * Kenny recommends API routing for dashboard * HTTP Protocol: GET /apple, /bumblebee, /guava, /cranberry * SCEL database not set up to accept remote connections; SSH Tunneling available * Researching ways to connect Node.js with PostgreSQL * Researching node-postgres, a package that contains node.js modules and functions for interfacing with a PostgreSQL database * Approach: * Create RESTful API to get results from SCEL gateway * Link API database results with dashboard client components * Completed Mid-Semester Progress Report === Future Tasks: === * Work and finish RESTful API