* Use the Arduino IDE to program the device using the AVRISP MkII Programmer. * Use an ISP connector to attach the programmer to the Cranberry board. * Connections: MISO (1), VCC(2), SCK(3), MOSI(4), RESET(5), and GND(6). * Make sure that you have the right board selected: Arduino Pro or Mini (3.3V 8MHz) w/ Atmega328. * //Note:// Board must be powered using an external voltage source (e.g. battery or generator). **Burning the Bootloader** * Download https://github.com/nickgammon/arduino_sketches * Run board detector * Run board programmer * If it worked, you should be able to upload programs to it * RESET (SS) - PIN 10 * MOSI - PIN 11 * MISO - PIN 12 * SCK - PIN 13 * VIN - 3V3 {{:weatherbox:cranberry:isp_connections.jpg|}}