==== Meeting Minutes February 13,14, 2023 ==== ===February 13, 2023=== **Attended: Paulo, Brian, Logan, Isai, Josh** == Updates == * Started extracting and plotting NREL data onto a mock UH Manoa Map * Team downloaded and became familiar with gitHub desktop * Team will use google drive source files on gitHub, thus getting around 100MB upload limit * Team discovered Tableau allows merging of worksheets, allowing team to work simultaneously ==To Do== * Continue working on workflow for dashboard * Get all members up to speed on gitHub Desktop * Begin creating individual dashboard sheets * Complete PDR presentation ===February 14, 2023=== **Attended: Paulo, Brian, Logan, Isai** == Updates == * Finished PDR slides * All members up to speed on gitHub desktop * Brian created intensity summary and dashboard * Created git and file structure ==To Do== * Continue adjusting dashboard