====== Dashboard Version 7 ====== **Team Members:** Brian Kim, Isai Foglesong\\ **Lab Hours:** 12:30 - 1:30 P.M M/W/F \\ 3:30 - 4:30 P.M T/Th \\ [[https://public.tableau.com/views/SCELDashboard/Home?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link]] (outdated) \\ This is the current version of the Dashboard, utilizing a Tableau framework. This is the next generation of the dashboard that SCEL will be developing as part of Analysis, Distribution, and Visualization of Weather Data for Sustainability Applications. ===== Goals ===== Some skills we want to acquire and improve on this semester are: * Become proficient in Tableau * Working as a team in a lab environment * Create an improved dashboard ==== Meeting Minutes ===== * [[.: Week 1 - January 25, 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 2 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 3 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 4 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 5 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 6 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 7 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 8 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 9 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 10 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 11 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 12 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 13 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 14 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Week 15 - , 2024]]\\ * [[.: Archive Meeting Minutes]]\\ ===== Tutorials ===== * [[https://help.tableau.com/current/guides/get-started-tutorial/en-us/get-started-tutorial-home.htm]] ===== Spring 2024 Members ===== All design docs and meeting details will be located under the current status tab. | [[.:S2024 Members:start]]