====== Processing a CAM Job for Manufacturing ====== ===== Determine PCB Manufacturer ===== Here is a list of recommended PCB manufacturers: * Bay Area Circuits * Advanced Circuits * Osh Park Research and determine if your design is machinable by the manufacturer you chose. You can enter their specifications into the Design Rule Check tool in Eagle. ===== Generate Gerber Files ===== ==== Process for a 2-layer board ==== - Download the .cam file from [[https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/using-eagle-board-layout/generating-gerbers| Sparkfun]] - Open job on Eagle - Make sure the correct layers are included in each category * Top/bottom copper * Top/bottom silkscreen * Drills/holes - Click on "Process Job" to generate Gerber files ==== Process for a 4-layer board ==== - Download the following files from Google Drive * [[https://drive.google.com/a/hawaii.edu/folderview?id=0By3QY77qC22mdUNrZ2Y4dkJ5NkU&usp=sharing|4 Layer CAM job]] - Run ULP drillcfg - Run Excellon job - Run E4 job ===== Verify Gerber Files ===== - Use the program Viewmate to check if the Gerber files were processed correctly * [[http://www.pentalogix.com/viewmate.php| Viewmate]]