=====Dragonfruit Team Meeting - October 3, 2016===== Attended: Keane, Kevin, Tyler, Kaeo ==== Updates ==== * Printed more Housing parts throughout the week * Still need to print the solar panel parts * Need to assemble all the housing parts together and then house the board * Debugging Board * Nathan said the board can be programmed * Will try to program the board on October 4th after 6:00 pm ==== Problems ==== * Screeching still a problem * Ghost voltage has disappeared for some reason * Screeching still there ==== Goals for this week ==== * Print rest of housing * Meet with Firmware and get board programmed * Work on solving screeching problem * Measure the voltage reading of the voltage regulator without XBEE connected. If reading is 3.3V then, the phantom voltage comes from the XBEE which is caused by MCU connection. If the reading is 4.0V then the excess voltage comes from the voltage regulator, and we can potentially solve the problem by connecting a voltage divider to the voltage regualator. === Reminders ==== * Finish PDR presentation by Thursday and sent to Kaeo * Print and assemble Housing for deployment date (Oct 7th or Oct 10th)