==== Wednesday September 8th, 2021 ==== Members present: Alex, Juliana, Marvin, Roel, Kayla* *Juliana, Roel, and Kayla are going through EAGLE tutorials to familiarize themselves with the software *Alex and Marvin looked through Guava's drawers to find relevant material *Alex searching through lab computers to find any relevant information (looking for REV DII schematic; previous 496 report claims the 396 students finished REV DII schematic) *Purple PCBs are REV D *Juliana tried to get into contact with previous members of Guava; Diwen is offering assistance *Kayla met through Zoom; had to isolate ==== Friday September 10th, 2021 ==== Members present: Alex, Juliana, Marvin, Roel, Kayla *Worked on and finished project proposal presentation slides