=====Xbee Team Meeting #4 - October 09, 2015===== Attended: Raydan, Ernesto, Dr. Kuh =====Completed===== *Ordered new/different XBee models to test =====To-Do List===== *Order more/different XBees *Test range of current XBee model *Consider networking capabilities =====Notes===== *Dr. Kuh wants us to test range through buildings/walls, roof to rooms, and room to ground *Become experts with what XBees do =====Questions===== - What happens when range is further than what it's supposed to be? Does it still transmit? =====Answers===== - No, the data packets are dropped and lost unless an acknowledgement is set up between modules and there is a function for that in XBees. (Need better understanding) =====Link to Discourse Weekly Update===== [[http://discuss.scel-hawaii.org/t/xbee-weekly-update-5-10-09-2015/107]]