====== Introduction Readings ====== **1. What is a microgrid?** A microgrid is a smaller grid that may be controlled internally by the local owner or externally by the owner of the grid in it's entirety. **2. In reference to renewable energy sources, why is there concern about the stability of the grid?** There is a concern about the stability of the grid because renewable energy is intermittent, it isn't readily available 24/7. Also there has to be an equilibrium between energy in and out. **3. Why create a self sufficient sensor network?** The self sufficient sensors tell us optimal places to get the renewable energy. They collect the environmental and physical conditions to help determine where the renewable energy (solar, wind, etc.) can be collected. It should be a self sufficient sensor because if they weren't, they would be counter productive. Also, you'd have to keep going up onto roof tops to check on the devices. **4. What database does the current weatherbox use?** The current weatherbox gathers data and uses an XBee to send it to SCEL's Linux server. **5. What transceiver does the current weatherbox use?** XBee