=====Website Team Meeting- February 24, 2016===== **Attended: Jennifer, Emily, Andrew, Kim** =====Updates===== * Finished programming microprocessors (Programmed through the Arduino) * Finished testing the temperature sensor (Programmed through the Arduino) * Finished testing the humidity sensor (Programmed through the Arduino) * Read data sheet for charging circuit and build ===Problems===== * Microprocessor wasn't compatible with Arduino code that we used to program it. ===Solutions===== * Mac Solution: Go to Applications, right click on the Arduino IDE, and go to and click on Show Package Contents. * Go through Contents->Java->Hardware->tools->avr->etc and open the avrdude.conf. * Find the ATMega328 section and go to "Signature" at the bottom of the section. * Change the signature at the end from "0X0F" to "0X14". Save and now reopen and Arduino Ide and download the bootloader to the microcontroller. * To upload a sketch you may need to change the signature back to the "0X0F". =====Reminders===== * Fix funding problems- Buy arduinos and cables? * Work on PDR presentation * Finish sensors this week (Solar irradiance and pressure)