Members present: Joy, Gordon * Jay gave us a rundown on why our boards were not working, basically it was either wired wrong or atmega was fried. * Team Koala was then tasked to turn the rat nest of wires that Jay assembled into a clean board with cut wires. * After we cleaned up the basic arduino board, we then put on the BME and tested it. It worked fine but we used messy jumper wires so we tried to clean it up. * When we tested the new wiring configuration, we had errors uploading code, then we (Joy and Jay) started smelling smoke. * We plugged it in again to see if there was actually smoke and there was. The ground wire from the FDTI chip and another ground wire from the capacitor and 5V regulator started heating up and warped the breadboard, creating circular holes where square holes used to be. Jay thinks we may have blew the Atmega. * One hypothesis we have for this is that we used a wire that was made from smaller wires twisted together, which may have frayed while being inserted into the breadboard and jumped rows. * Plan is to rebuild the board next time