====== Hardware Meeting - February 25, 2015 ====== **Attended: Andy, Zach, Conrad, Jon, Alex, Kenny** ====== Updates ====== * Refer Daisy to Jon/Conrad if she needs help with hardware * Conrad - parts requests need to be pushed up to the dropbox * Jon – soldered and tested 2 pairs of boards (reflow) * Jon – ran through Eagle tutorial with Alex (2/24) ====== Conrad’s Goals ====== * Finish Gantt chart by the weekly meeting (2/26) * Finish sensor board by end of day (2/25) * Start working on debug boards ====== Jon’s Goals ====== * Help Conrad * Start making Eagle tutorial for future lab members ====== Alex’s Goals ====== * Finish tree sensor schematic by Wednesday, 3/4 * Prepare for milling at Garmier's lab