Table of Contents

Initial Proposal

Note: this document is still in draft.

This document outlines the proposal for the data infrastructure project, which is spun off from the SCEL weatherbox server subsystem.

The purpose of the data infrastructure is to create a platform that can be used to easily collect and store sensor data from any source. This platform will eventually fully support the efforts of the forecasting teach, which given good access to data will be able to do their own independent research.


I. Motivation
II. Details
III. Goals
IV. Technical Modules

Previous Work

Issues with the previous project

Motivation and Summary

It is currently very difficult to reliably gather time series data from embedded sensor devices. This project aims to provide the software infrastructure to reliably collect data, add new sensors, extend new sensor types and analyze such data.


High Level Categories:


Okay this is really hard.

Technical Modules

Here is a block diagram:

High Level Blocks


Messaging Bus

Compute/Data Backend

System Validation

To make sure that upgrades are completed to the system, we need to have proper validation tools and processes in place.

We can use tools such as docker and vagrant to help us test.

More on this later.


A large motivation behind this is being able to educate and expose students to a project with the engineering process. We should think about how to bring students up to speed quickly enough - students who have almost no experience.


Possible Names


Contributing authors:


Created by kluong on 2016/06/20 00:05.