Table of Contents

Be Open

It's often way easier and beneficial to be open than it is to close things up. The circulation of information is critical to the success of the lab - being open will help people be aware of the whole situation as fast as possible. If you need to select people for conferences or positions, be open the process so everyone knows what's happening.


Teams and groups thrive when information is freely passed through the group. If a solution is discovered by one smaller subteam, the others can benefit from that as well. Likewise, if there are any leadership or conference opportunities we want everyone to know about it well in advance. If people don't know what opportunities exist how can they ever come forward or aim for it?


This wiki is almost completely open to the public. It's way easier to not have to deal with permission issues… we're motivated to keep the wiki somewhat clean and accessible because everyone can see it.


Contributing authors:


Created by kluong on 2016/02/28 06:27.