Table of Contents

Installing Git

This guide will walk you through installing and configuring Git.

I. Initial Installation


If you're on OS X odds are you're already configured with Git. Open the terminal and type `git`.


Might not be installed, but you can install it easy enough. Use your favorite package manager to install it.


Sorry, but for windows users it's a little more difficult but it's easy enough. Download git from the git-scm website:

After the file is finished downloading run the executable. You'll be guided through the installation process. This installer will install a command line tool called “Git Bash” which will give you the equivalent tools that the OS X and Linux users have. When tutorials ask you to run commands you should run them through Git Bash.

II. Setup

After you're done, make sure to setup your git installation with your name and email address. You should run the two commands below two setup everything. Make sure you replace the things in the quotes with your information.

git config --global "YOUR NAME"
git config --global "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"


Contributing authors:


Created by kluong on 2016/01/24 23:16.