Meeting Minutes 4/4/18


Discussed poster session details and requirements before and day of. Groups worked on their respective issues for their dashboard page.


Poster Session


  1. Kevin: Implement time scaling.
  2. Gordon: Integrate test data for Weatherbox Page, work on poster session requirements, update Wiki design docs (in preparation of poster session).
  3. Kyle, Jon, & Akira: Work on Graph Generator Page issues.

Full team: Implement issues proposed by sub teams.

Draft of Abstract

The dashboard project aims to develop a web application to visualize meteorological data collected by Smart Campus Energy Lab (SCEL) sensor networks called weatherboxes. The web application was developed in JavaScript using Facebook React with three main pages: landing, weatherboxes, and graph generator. Each page visualizes collected data through line graphs where the data being displayed can be modified based on user input. In comparison with the first iteration of the SCEL dashboard, the current version has a high learning curve for new members joining the project and has a larger span of open source libraries. In completion of the dashboard project, current and future members of SCEL will be able to utilize the dashboard web application for visualization and analysis in improving weatherbox designs and optimizing placement of renewable energy source devices.


Contributing authors:


Created by gli on 2018/04/04 19:55.