Meeting Minutes 1/24/18


Discussed Dashboard deployment and development procedures


Kevin discussed Dashboard Deployment & Development procedures listed in the Wiki. The following were discussed:

  1. Development Tools
    • React Developer Tools with Google Chrome
    • freeCodeCamp to practice JavaScript syntax
    • Read and practice ES6 syntax, then compare differences to see why ES6 would be better
    • React documentation walks through a tutorial applied to a tic-tac-toe game
  2. Current SCEL Software Members
    • GitHub is used among the Unified Software Team, collaboration of components will be done with the Dashboard (i.e. different webpages)
    • Issues will be assigned to members; issues distinguish what is official and what is being tested
    • Code reviews will be conducted to establish what will be published officially (process of merging with master)


  1. Kevin: Merge Issue01 to master
  2. Gordon: Work on exercises listed under Development Tools, Gantt Chart, Update Design Doc pages
  3. Kyle, Jon, & Akira: Work on exercises listed under Development Tools

Full team: Familiarize with React, JavaScript, and ES6

EE 496 Gantt Chart (Gordon)

Gantt Chart (Google Spreadsheet)


Contributing authors:


Created by gli on 2018/01/25 02:00.