Table of Contents


Programming Instructions

  1. Use the Arduino IDE to program the device using the AVRISP MkII Programmer.
  2. Use an ISP connector to attach the programmer to the DragonFruit board.
  3. Connections: MISO (1), VCC(2), SCK(3), MOSI(4), RESET(5), and GND(6).
  4. Make sure that you have the right board selected: Arduino Uno w/ Atmega328.

Note: Board must be powered using an external voltage source (e.g. battery or generator).

Eagle Tutorial

Ready to Design and Fabricate?

Tips on how to design a professional PCB can be found here.

Steps on how to send your design to a professional manufacturer can be found here.


Contributing authors:


Created by garrettz on 2016/02/24 21:08.