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Solar Irradiance Sensor (For Incomplete Apple Boards)

Purpose: For those who are not familiar with Apple's layout.


When attempting to check if the sensor code works properly, received a constant 0 from the Solar Irradiance sensor.


  1. Without the Op-Amp connected to the board, the pin corresponding to the Solar Irradiance sensor is grounded.


This was a misunderstanding on the Firmware Team's part. We were not familiar with Apple's layout. When we ran our check of the sensor code (in which we were seeking noise data), we received a constant 0, which was concerning. We were confused whether or not it was our pin configuration or something to do with the incomplete board we were using. However, through advising with Kenny, we have found the truth behind the reading.


Contributing authors:


Created by rwalser on 2015/10/16 10:22.