Table of Contents

Minutes October 1, 2018

People Attended: Marisa, Alex and Kyle

  1. Started downloading SolidWorks
  2. Edited the cranberry housing to accommodate solar irradiance
  3. Brainstormed design for solar panel housing

Minutes October 3, 2018

People Attended: Marisa, Alex and Kyle

  1. Measured Guava's PCB
  2. Started the assembly of Guava's PCB on Inventor
  3. Started the solar panel housing on Inventor

Minutes October 5, 2018

People Attended: Marisa, Alex and Kyle

  1. Continued to work on the assembly of Guava's PCB on Inventor
  2. Restarted the solar panel housing on Inventor because it crashed before we could save
  3. Reinstalled SolidWorks


Contributing authors:

amakaiau kdaquioag mmatsuo

Created by amakaiau on 2018/10/01 23:11.