FOLLOW REIS SCHEMATIC!!!!! Except for solar irradiance (Green is voltage, clear is ground)

Pressure sensor

Temperature: 22 C
Heated up under lamp
Only Celsius readings

Humidity and sensor temperature

Temp: 25 C
Celsius and Fahrenheit


Temp: 25.5 C
Measures Celsius and Fahrenheit
Only changes by half a degree

Charging Circuit Readings

      Voltage Source Only:
      Input (V)             Load Output
      4                     0.8 
      4.6                   4.42 
      5                     4.87
      5.5                   5.35
      6                     5.84
      6.3                   6.14
      Battery Only:
      Input (V)             Load Output
      3.81                  3.81
      Voltage Source and Battery:
      Input (V)             Load Output
      4                     3.82
      5                     4.56
      5.4                   4.55

Xbee and pressure sensor needs 3.3V.

Analog read for solar irradiance Change conversion (multiply value by 1000 from V to mV) Maxes out at 1246ish


Contributing authors:

elum jchun

Created by elum on 2016/02/26 02:32.