Table of Contents

Current State of Boards

Cranberry v3.2 (White Wires) (Updated: Oct 13th, 2016)

Cranberry v3.5 (Updated: Oct 13th, 2016)

Cranberry v3.5 (Red Wire) (Updated: Oct 13th, 2016)

XBee Pinout Testing

Testing the voltage readings of each pin on Cranberry v3.5 (Red Wire)
Pins will be testing starting with the top left pin (with antenna of XBee facing away from me).
Once I reach the pin nearest me, I will then measure starting with the top right.

Pin 1: 1.82 V
Pin 2: 3.00 V
Pin 3: 3.00 V
Pin 4: 2.50 V
Pin 5: 3.10 V


Contributing authors:

dtokita elum

Created by dtokita on 2016/09/16 04:08.