
Eagle CAD

Eagle, which stands for the Easy Applicable Graphical Layout Editor, is a PCB, or Printed Circuit Board, design software that is mainly used to design and generate the correct files that are needed to fabricate a PCB.
Download Version 7.7 (This version has better routing capabilities).
Note: Use Eagle Express.
Adafruit Eagle Library*
Follow installation instructions as explained.
Written Eagle Tutorial
For the bibliophiles.
*These links are also provided in the video tutorial's description.

For more information while designing see the following links
Better PCBs in Eagle
Using Eagle Board Layout
Design Rules
Creating a Part in Eagle

Please complete this tutorial on using the EAGLE library. You will learn how to make your own parts.

Eagle Tutorial PDF

  • In Video 2 - The tutorial asks you to auto-route your traces. Please do NOT auto-route your traces and instead manually make the traces yourself.
  • In Video 3 - The tutorial asks you to export your parts lists. You do NOT have to export your parts lists, but you do need to generate the Gerber Files for the board.
  1. Install Eagle and necessary libraries.
  2. Follow and participate in all three video tutorials.
  3. Email Mentor/Leadership Team with your completed files with subject line “[SCEL] Soared like an EAGLE” (Don't forget to cc “[email protected]” in all your SCEL-related emails!).

PCB Design Tips and fabrication details can be found here.


  • training/eagle.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/22 04:39
  • by aorsino