Team Members: Mark Cacal, Josh Renzo Claudio, Emily Kane
Team Leader: Isaiah Aribal
The purpose of this project is to design a weather box in order to collect data on weather conditions through Manoa campus.
Regular meeting lab hours: Monday & Wednesday: 3:30 - 5:00
Some skills we want to acquire and improve on this semester are:
- Soldering
- Arduino
- Teamwork
- Organization
- Presentation
- Communication
- Time Management
Overall Goal:
Our end goal in this project is to create an updated self sustaining environmental sensor node based off from REIS 296 Weatherbox. We would also like to provide any solutions and tips for future 296 project teams.
Meeting Minutes
Fall 2017
Presentation PDF
For future 296 Reference
- Sensors are outdated in REIS 296 Schematics.
- Pressure sensor BMP-180 was replaced with BMP-280 for our project
- Don't get mixed it up with the BME-280
- Temperature is included in BMP-280
- Humidity is included in BME-280 (SHT11 is not needed)
- Solar Irradiance Sensor is now SP-215
EAGLE Schematic
REIS 296: 296_weatherbox_schematic.pdf
Mango 296: mango_schematic.pdf - Red Mango
- Used EAGLE v7.7 instead of v8.3 due to routing issues (Recommended by Kyle Chan)
- 5v on/off Sensor Switch not included (Recommended by Kenneth)
- Use the “NAME” tool to wirelessly connect components on EAGLE, use “LABEL” tool to visually represent connection
- My mistake was using label to wirelessly connected but wasn't actually connected
- Used Pinheaders in order to use Breakout Boards
- Beware of the voltage regulators, Schematic isn't corresponding to datasheet
- Recommend making personalized parts
PCB Design
- Beware of metal parts surrounding XBEE. Might affect antenna communication.
- Pinheader spacings are measured by breadboard spacing (0.1“)
- Team Pineapple tried to test Microprocessor on breadboard instead of Arduino. Failure to communicate.
- The problem was fixed by setting 2 parameters something like ISP and Ardiuno/Generinuo Uno AND hitting the reset button between the “compliing” and “running” command.
Improvements & Future Work
- Adjustment of housing dimensions can be made once the physical board is printed.
- Currently no software improvements.
- SMD parts can replace all through-hole parts.
Contributing authors:
Created by ekane on 2017/09/07 02:09.