
Project Sunflower is the second edition EE196 team under the Smart Campus Energy Lab (SCEL), at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The team consists of four freshmen: Ryan Li, Kevin Liu, Jonathan Tu, and Jason Yim who are all majoring in Electrical Engineering and are mentored by Jaimie Obatake.

Hawaii is one of the most expensive places to live largely due to high energy costs from imported oil. The need to save energy is becoming increasingly more drastic as oil is detrimental to the island's fragile environment.

SCEL is aiming to create weatherboxes to detect and predict sunlight patterns to hopefully alert the electric companies in time to turn on the generators if the photovoltaic cells cannot produce it or to turn them off if they are not needed. Our project is to create a smart trash can, which will make recycling more enjoyable.

  • Create a functioning Smart Trash Can
  • Monitor vending machine power usage
  • Make recycling more fun
  • Acquire workplace skills: Communication, teamwork, time management, critical thinking
  • Acquire technical skills: PCB design, Arduino, Bare Arduino, 3D printing, Soldering
Parts Website Information
Arduino Arduino Uno - R3
Motor Micro Servo - High Powered, High Torque Metal Gear
UltraSonic Sensor Ultrasonic Sensor
Music & Sound add-on pack Music & sound add-on pack
Trash Can Trash Can
Micro SD Card Reader Micro SD Reader


Contributing authors:

jtu jyim kliu rli

Created by jyim on 2017/01/20 01:12.

  • weatherbox/team_sunflower/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)