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Forecasting Meeting Minutes for Week of September 27, 2016

Present: Gordon, Brieanna, Jaimie

  • More coordination with Seyyed
  • 1. Well documented code
    • Inputs/Outputs:
      • Mean Squared Error
      • Input
      • Weight of length
  • 2. Learning signal processing/machine learning algorithms
  • Reproducing what Masaki did
    • Visualizing Data w/ 3D plotting:
      • Contact Masaki
  • Work on normalized data with Zenith Angle
  • 3. Forecast Solar Irradiance
    • Recursive least squares
    • Least mean squares
  • Machine learning aspect
  • 4. Understanding solar data
    • PV and solar data (non-linear relationship)
    • Weather effects sudden changes in weather
      • Reserve or storage energy
      • Shift demands

Know linear, unsupervised and classification * 2 types of algorithms:

  • Regression/Estimation
  • Classification (binary/descrete)/Detection
  • Classification: Iris Problem
    • Linear threshold function: Hyperplane separating data (0 | 1)
      • 2 items from 1 item = possible

* Unsupervised Learning:

  • Cluster
  • PCA

* Support Vector Machines:

  • Non-linear

* Multi-learning networks:

  • Deep learning

* Andrew Ing coursera

  • forecasting/meeting_minutes_september_27_2016.1475033251.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)