
This is an old revision of the document!

Fall 2017 Roadmap


  • Firmware - figure out what does firmware want
  • Dashboard - continue from last semester
  • Talk to Kenny about more specific goals


  • Getting weatherboxes on roof by end of the semester
  • For weatherboxes get 2 boards working
    • 1 for firmware, 1 for the roof
  • Try to get bumblebee working by end of the semester
  • Wind sensor - only Scott
    • Look for people to join wind sensor and acoustic


  • Make a priority for this semester
  • Need more sophomores and Juniors
  1. Goals for next semester (DONE)
  2. Make list of people in lab (DONE)
  3. Finish updating and deploying new website
  4. Look over the end of the semester survey to find out where to place people for next semester (DONE)
  5. Reassign leader roles/tasks to members of leadership team (DONE)
  6. Lab Clean-Out
  7. List of equipment to buy (After lab clean-out)
  8. Reorganize the Google Drive folder (DONE)
  9. Clean up and reorganize the wiki
  10. Management discussion
    1. Figure out groups
    2. List of mentors and their specialties
    3. Find our next generation leadership group!
  11. Documentation of EVERYTHING! (ONGOING)
    1. Documentation of our roles
    2. Documentation of project work for each group
    3. Maintain and add to wiki
  12. Get new students on board (Orientation Day)
    1. Send out surveys
    2. Ask for bios
    3. Give access to Wiki and Slack
    4. Give access to SCEL Google Calendar
    5. Give access to Google Drive folder
  13. Figure out room code access (Orientation Day)
  14. Figure out room schedule (Orientation Day)
  15. Plan orientation meeting (by the end of the break: JAIMIE)
  16. Plan mentorship training meeting (by the end of the break: JAIMIE)
  17. Determine All Hands Meeting dates and schedule of events for the semester (DONE)
  18. Figure out a good way to handle finances (DONE)
  1. Review and reassign leadership roles
  2. Managing finances
  3. Show where surveys are in the drive
  4. Questions from incoming leadership team on their duties
Team Members
Dragonfruit Design Tyler, Kyaw, and Kevin
Cranberry Design Jennifer and Joslyn
Apple Design Kenny, Katherine, and Makamae
Software Andrew, Kevin, Reyn, Jaimie, Nathan
Forecasting ??????
Wind Sensor Scott
Bumble Bee Isaiah, Rebecca, and Kayla
  1. Have one?
  • leadership/roadmaps/2017_fall_semester.1502232290.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)