
Block Diagrams

Block diagrams are important to display information in a visual way to an audience. Block diagrams have the potential to display more information in a more condensed form that just text alone.

Depending on what you're trying to describe the specific elements can be different but here are some points you should follow:

  • Figure out what information you want to convey to the audience
    • Are you describing the overall system?
    • Are you describing an algorithm?
    • Are you describing a workflow?
    • You may need multiple block diagrams in your presentation, or you might need less.
  • Make sure you outline relationships well
    • For hardware - how are the hardware components interconnected?
    • For software - you might be describing how your program logically flows from one state to another
  • Include enough text to give your audience context
    • Label communication types or voltage/current measurements
  • Make sure that you're representing things correctly
    • Is there a chance for misintrepretation?
  • Get comments/feedback early and revise

Here are a few tools you can use:

  • Word
  • Google Draw
  • Powerpoint
  • Google Presentations
  • training/block_diagrams.1456714257.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)