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Accessing PostgreSQL on Lab Computer

In order to access PostgreSQL on the lab computer run the following command.

sudo -u control_tower psql

password is the lab computer password.

The postgres super user of the psql server has the following login credentials:

user: postgres

password: lab computer password

The only user that has super user access on the lab computer's postgreSQL database. In order to allow the API to connect to the database and have read/write permissions, the postgres user must be used. As such, the credentials saved on the computer use postgres with the password lists above.

Postgres user hosts all the tables for the weather boxes in the lab. To see the tables run the command \dt to show all database tables.

To get to the example bears api table use the following commands after logging in as any user.

\c bears;


Things to do

* Need to figure out permissions to each table for each users. (kluong, control_tower, postgres)

  • weatherbox/database/postgres.1507077363.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)