
This is an old revision of the document!


  1. Download the .cam file from Sparkfun
  2. Open job on Eagle
  3. Make sure the correct layers are included in each category
    • Top/bottom copper
    • Top/bottom silkscreen
    • Drills/holes
  4. Click on “Process Job” to generate Gerber files
  1. Download the following files from Google Drive
  2. Run ULP drillcfg
  3. Run Excellon job
  4. Run E4 job

Here is a list of recommended PCB manufacturers:

  • Bay Area Circuits
  • Advanced Circuits
  • Osh Park
  • weatherbox/dragonfruit/cam_job.1456356664.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)