Attended: Brian, Garrett, Jon

  • Had meeting with Professor Kuh September 18, 2015
    • Look at other weatherbox projects being done - at universities and commercially
  • Need to look at part schematics and build customized parts in Eagle
  • Determine if we should switch to a bigger processor for more I/O ports
  • N/A
  • Make components in Eagle for most of the subsystems
  • Set up the professional Eagle software on the lab computer
  • Link files to Google Drive to keep updated
  • Complete the proposal presentation
  • Proposals on Sat September 26, 2015


Contributing authors:


Created by garrettz on 2015/09/21 20:07.

  • weatherbox/dragonfruit/meeting_minutes_september_21_2015.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)