• XBee Pro S2B RP-SMA ceased in production
    • Look into different XBee Modules
    • Research different ways to transmit data
      • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Cellular
  • Stronger XBee or different method of transmitting data
  • More accurate testing in the rain
    • Conduct tests with rain between the two XBee modules
    • Test with wet antennas to replicate the weatherboxes in the rain
  • Create device to act as Access Point for when weatherboxes are too far from the server
    • Access points can be XBees configured as Routers to relay the message to the server
    • Access points should have about the same lifetime as the weatherbox for more convenience
    • Possible PCB design for an Access Point
  • Find a replacement for the XBee Pro S2B RP-SMA


Contributing authors:


Created by ernesto4 on 2016/05/16 09:13.

  • weatherbox/networking/spring2016_final_notes_march_31_2016.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)