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Packet Tester

The “Packet Tester” program is to test the correctness of the Gateway by use of hardcoded packets. The current packets include: Heartbeat, Apple, Cranberry, Dragonfruit, and Bad Packet.

To enjoy the program, first download or clone the repository at

Equipment Needed:

USB XBee Explorer
Male to Male USB 2.0 to µUSB
An XBee configured to your weatherbox's XBee

Make sure you are in the data-gateway directory when attempting to run the program

Instructions for running the packet_tester on your personal computer:

      Step 1: Connect your Xbee device to the explorer, and plug that into your computer
      Step 2: Install python(refer to
      Step 3: Update pip on your computer
              if Windows:
                      run the following command: python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
              if Mac or Linux:
                      run the following command: pip install -U pip setuptools
      Step 4: Install the following python packages using these commands (if issues run as administrator):
              pip install xbee
              pip install pyserial
      Step 5: Locate your serial port by using the following command:
              if Windows:
                      in the command prompt use the command: mode
                      look for the COM name of the serial port ex: 'COM3'
                      insert the name when prompted by the program
              if Mac:
                      in the command line use the command: ls /dev/cu.*
                      locate the path of your serial port. ex: /dev/cu.usbserial-DN01DS4M
                      insert the path when you are prompted by the program
              if Linux:
                      in the command line use the command: dmseg
                      locate FTDI USB serial device line and remember the port it is attached to. ex: ttyUSB0
                      When you are prompted by the program insert the following string: /dev/"YOUR_PORT_HERE"
                                                                                    ex: /dev/ttyUSB0
      Step 6: Run the program with the command: python
  • weatherbox/unified_software_team/packet_tester.1479258886.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)