Table of Contents


Team Members: Mark Cacal, Josh Renzo Claudio, Emily Kane
Team Leader: Isaiah Aribal


The purpose of this project is to design a weather box in order to collect data on weather conditions through Manoa campus.

Regular meeting lab hours: Monday & Wednesday: 3:30 - 5:00


Some skills we want to acquire and improve on this semester are:

Overall Goal:
Our end goal in this project is to create an updated self sustaining environmental sensor node based off from REIS 296 Weatherbox. We would also like to provide any solutions and tips for future 296 project teams.

Meeting Minutes

Fall 2017

Presentation PDF


For future 296 Reference


EAGLE Schematic

REIS 296: 296_weatherbox_schematic.pdf
Mango 296: mango_schematic.pdf - Red Mango

PCB Design


Improvements & Future Work


Contributing authors:

ekane jclaudio mcacal

Created by ekane on 2017/09/07 02:09.