
This is an old revision of the document!

CVL Initial Specification

This page contains the initial specification for the CVL.


The task at hand is to build a current and voltage data logger that will assist other students with their endeavors in the lab. Commercial, off the shelf data loggers exist but are often proprietary and closed source. We have a unique opportunity to build an open source data logging platform that can serve as an educational tool for other students in the future as well.


At it's core


Firmware needs to be written that will allow on the on-board microcontroller to run during the data collection process.


The software component consists of the software that will sit on the user's


Since the initial project is being done in one semester a minimum viable product (MVP) must be built instead of a more polished prototype. See this page for more details:

Think about how we can build something that will be of benefit to the most people. Someone should ultimately at the end find some use out of the tool - polishing of the tool, regardless of hardware or software can be accomplished after we have something that is done.

Initial Tasks

These are suggested tasks that you should start with:

  • Understand the problem - make sure you fully understand the problem at hand before we move on. What is it we're trying to accomplish here, and what problem are we trying to solve? If you can't answer this, or you answer it incorrectly you'll be setup for failure later on.
  • Create a revised specification sheet - take the initial specification sheet and make it more detailed. Put more details in each category and use that to help drive further development of your project.
  • Come up with a task list - what actually needs to be done? Are there any tasks that might block other tasks? You might not have enough information to know every detail right now, but list what you can and be sure to come back to the task list when you have more information.
  • Come up with a schedule - make sure that you pace yourselves correctly during the course of the semester. Since everyone has limited time you'll need to pay attention to this.
  • instrumentation/cvl/initial_specification.1453095620.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)