Lab Rules and Procedures
General Procedures
- Be respectful and considerate of others in the lab. This is a place to get work done, not socialize with others.
- Use indoor voices in the lab.
- Conversations not related to the lab should be done outside the lab or after peak hours from 2:30-6:00.
- The leadership team may ask people to leave if they are being too loud.
- During peak hours, please do not use the lab to do homework.
- If you need assistance with something, ask your team leader. If they are unsure of how to help you, then ask your mentor.
- Clean white boards when done using them. Use either the white board eraser or the white board cleaner with paper towels.
- Equipment and materials should not be taken outside of the lab.
- On a case-by-case basis, we may allow parts to be taken out of the lab and returned later.
- Put away parts, equipment, etc. when you finish your lab hours. We are not responsible if something goes missing and it was in a common area.
- Members of the lab should check their email daily and respond promptly when necessary especially if there is a deadline.
- When replying to emails, use the “Reply All” option.
- Members are required to respond to email within 24 hours.
- For emails that require a “yes” or “no” response, members are required to reply.
- Be respectful when communicating through email.
- When sending emails to people in the lab:
- Be sure to cc the REIS email account: [email protected]
- Start the subject line with “[SCEL]”
- Reply honestly, if you're not sure if you can commit to something don't worry and just say so!
Food in the Lab
- Eating and drinking is only allowed at the designated table at the front of the lab.
- Clean the food table when you are done eating.
- Do not leave empty cans or bottles on the food table. Cans and bottles can be placed in the plastic bag for recycling near the trashcans.
- Do not throw food into the sink.
- Members are allowed to leave food in the refrigerator, but they must be labeled with your name and dated. Food left in the refrigerator must be cleaned out by the end of the week.
- Unlabeled food on the eating table is free for all.
Lab Safety and Procedures
- Follow all University of Hawaii lab procedures
- When operating equipment, two people must be in the lab.
- Safety goggles and shoes must be worn at the soldering station. A red box labeled “Safety goggles” can be found on the shelf above the hardware workbench.
- Long hair must be tied back.
- If you are unsure of how to use equipment or parts in the lab, ask someone. Do not attempt to use equipment without being trained first.
- Only use the 3D printers if you are authorized by the leadership team to use it.
- A note with your name should be placed on your work area if you need to leave it.
- Keep your work area neat, and clean up after yourself. Equipment should be returned to the place you originally found it.
- The power strip at the hardware workbench must be turned off when unused.
- No horseplay in the lab.
- Do not hurt people with equipment or tools.
- Dr. Kuh is the contact for lab safety
Parts Orders
- A spreadsheet will be shared with lab members to enter their parts requests.
- Lab members should enter their parts on the tab labeled with the vendor selling the part. If the tab does not exist, please create a new one labeled with the vendor. When choosing a vendor to purchase an item from, please note the following:
- Most of the parts orders will need to be bought by using a PO (Purchase Order)
- Please try to purchase parts from a vendor that takes POs. Please look at the following page for vendors that take POs.
- Other companies not on the previously mentioned page should be checked to see if they take POs or not and added to the list.
- Only use a vendor that does not take POs as a last resort.
- When entering a part, please include:
- Name of the item
- Vendor
- Vendor number and hyperlink this cell to the website page of the part
- Quantity requested
- Unit cost
- Subtotal (this will be automatically calculated on the spreadsheet if the formula is in the cell)
- Description: description of what this part will be used for
- Justification: why you have decided to request this part
- Some questions to answer in this section include:
- Why are you choosing to buy this item over another product from another vendor or another model?
- What is the purpose of using this item?
- Your name (so I know who is requesting the item)
- If you are purchasing the same part as another group, please update the quantity for the part and add your name to the entry. In the requested by column, please write your name and the quantity you are requesting, and the name of the other person who wrote the entry and the quantity they are requesting, so I know how much each person wants.
Lab Coverage
- Each team will determine their weekly lab coverage times at the beginning of the semester.
- Each team needs to commit five hours weekly to working in the lab.
- If members of your team cannot make your hours during the week, they must schedule make up hours for that week. The times you will be missing and your make up times for the week must be sent in an email to the project manager.
- Members without lab access should coordinate with their sub team lead or the leadership team if they would like to come in for extra hours.
- The project manager can be contacted via Slack for last minute requests to get into the lab.
Visitors in the Lab
- Permission from the project manager must be received to bring people who are not a part of SCEL into the lab. Please keep in mind that the lab is not a place to hang out.
- People from outside the lab are not allowed to take equipment or supplies unless the person they received permission from the current project manager in the lab.
Contributing authors:
Created by cobatake on 2015/08/22 00:20.