
How to Use our Wiki

  • Use a namespace ( and put the date. The namespace can be see at the top corner of the page or the end of the url for the page. When creating a new page for your notes, it should be of the following format:
    [[< namespace >: < Name of page >]]\\
  • You can also use a dot which specifies the current namespace.
    [[.: < Name of page >]]\\
  • For example, if one were to create the Dragonfruit Design team’s page, they would use the weatherbox namespace: “weatherbox”. When creating their page, it would look like one of the following:
  • At the top of your wiki page should be a brief description of your team
  • Include goals for the semester and long term goals
  • Include a block diagram of your system
  • Include a power budget and BOM (build of materials) if applicable
  • Include Resources
    • Instructions of how to install software
    • Links to written instructions or videos tutorials
    • Data sheets
    • Links to website pages you have referenced
    • Links to website pages you used to solve issues/problems
    • Links to examples that are relevant to your work
  • Meeting minutes
    • Please format according to instructions below
    • Order your notes in chronological order with the newest notes at the top
  • Presentation slideshows
    • Save a pdf version of your presentations and posters to the wiki
    • Presentation pdfs should be named <Team name>_<Presentation name>.pdf
      • For example, Firmware would name their PDR pdf as: Firmware_PDR.pdf

How to Post Meeting Notes

  • Creating a new page for your notes
    • Use a namespace ( and put the date. The namespace can be see at the top corner of the page or the end of the url for the page. When creating a new page for your notes, it should be of the following format:
      [[< namespace >: Meeting Minutes < Month Day, Year >]]\\
    • You can also use a dot which specifies the current namespace.
      [[.: Meeting Minutes < Month Day, Year >]]\\
    • For example, the namespace on the Dragonfruit Design team’s page is “weatherbox:dragonfruit”. When creating a new page for your notes, it would look like one of the following:
      [[weatherbox:dragonfruit: Meeting Minutes September 9, 2015]]\\
      [[.: Meeting Minutes September 9, 2015]]\\
  • Formatting your Notes
    • The title of the notes should include your team name and the date
    • The title and any subsections of the notes should be headers
    • Include the names of those who attended the meeting
    • Split your notes into different sections (i.e. “Reminders”, “Updates”, “Resolved Problems”, “Questions for Next Time”, “To Work on”, etc.)
    • Use bullet points for your notes
    • Make your notes readable and make sure you can understand them
      • Would I be able to understand this months from now if you need to reference something?
      • If someone new to the lab were looking at my notes, would they be able to understand them?
  • Content of your Notes
    • Include updates and your progress
    • Include issues
      • Document in your weekly notes how issues were resolved
      • Write a short explanation of the problem and how you solved it
      • Include links or resources you used to solve problems
      • Will help future members in our lab if they run into the same problems
    • Include technical notes
  • An Example of Meeting Minutes
=====Website Team Meeting- September 9, 2015=====
**Attended: Kenny, Christie**

  * Set up meeting time
  * Looked through the website
  * Made list of updates that need to be made to the website

  * Issues with something

  * Submit meeting times to doodle


Contributing authors:


Created by cobatake on 2015/09/15 22:41.

  • tools/wiki.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)