
Due to COVID-19, SCEL decided not to purchase our PCB from a Chinese Manufacture company called SEEED. Therefore, Team Guava would need to find an alternate company within the U.S. We decided to purchase from a company called OSH park,, we decided to order 5 'Prototype' option PCB from them, which comes up to be around 46.20. Also, since Team Guava uses a lot of surface-mounted capacitors and resistors and even chips, we would really want to invest our money on a stencil for the top layer of the design, since the majority of the components are on the top layer. The stencil is also from OSH park and it cost about 31.32. Since Ron Ho will take a long time to go through and we are getting close to spring break, we decided to purchase the PCB and stencil out of the packet and go through the reimbursement.

Overall, we purchased our PCB and stencil from OSH park and ideally we would have all the parts once we get back from spring break and we can start our soldering. Right now, we need Dr. Kuh to sign our part list forms.

Members: Diwen, Riley, Max

Time: 3:30PM - 5:30PM

We spent most of our time today finish up our mid-semester report,, and looking for any other potential trace errors we missed out before we purchase the PCB and stencil.

So far Team Guava finished Bare Guava, documented how to boot-load ATMEGA 1284P with 8Mhz and 5V, fixed trace errors with the solar charging chip, uniform all the capacitors and resistors to 0805, REV D design and parts.

Members: Diwen, Riley, MaxTime: 1:00PM - 4:00PM

  • weatherbox/guava/week_8_-_march_9_2020.1586480726.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/19 21:59
  • (external edit)