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Introduction and Motivation
We are team Lotus and we are all Japanese I think and we will be building a weather box that transmits sensor data to our station where we will then analyze and observe trends.
Project Information
Block Diagram
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes 1/24/17
Meeting Minutes 1/31/17
Meeting Minutes 2/7/17
Meeting Minutes 2/14/17
Meeting Minutes 2/21/17
Meeting Minutes 2/28/17
Meeting Minutes 3/7/17
Meeting Minutes 3/14/17
Meeting Minutes 3/21/17
Meeting Minutes 4/42/17
Meeting Minutes 4/11/17
Meeting Minutes 4/18/17
Meeting Minutes 4/25/17
- Arduino: Getting Started with Arduino
- Bare Arduino: Building an Arduino on a Breadboard
- GitHub:Git Interactive Tutorial
- Eagle:Written Tutorial PDF
- Eagle: Video Tutorial
Contributing authors:
Created by miwane on 2017/01/24 20:43.